Friday, June 29, 2012

Some documented description of Shivaji Raja's personality.

There are 3 available descriptions of Shivaji Maharaj's personality available till date -
1 - John L'Escaliot, English Chaplin at Surat, says - 
"His person is described by them who have seen him to be of mean stature, lower somewhat than I am erect, and of excellent proportion, active in exercise and whenever he speaks seems to smile, a quick and piercing eye and whiter than any of his people".

2 - Frenchman Thevenot says -
"This Raja [Shivaji] is short and tawny, with quick eyes that show a great deal of wit. He eats once a day commonly, and is in good health".

3 - Parkaldas, Jai Shing's officer who was at Agra when Shivaji Maharaj visited Auranzeb, wrote -
"Shivaji looks lean and short. He is very handsome and fair. The mere sight of him is enough to tell he is brave and courageous man. He keeps beard".
~Courtesy - Sir Gajanan Mehendale~

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